So I made a female troll. I didn't enjoy it as much as the male ones...breasts are hard to make look right. Anyways. She's got very orange/red hair and a bit of a smile. Yes, she's still naked, but I haven't figured out a good way of dressing them -- not a fan of the clay clothes on a moveable figure, and the cloth ones are hard to make so small. She's the same size as Squirt roughly. Anyways, she's still a little character. The smaller feet and hands are getting easier, too. That's about it.
Next time you are down, we will have to do some clay time together. I'll show you how to do breasts easily. They aren't too bad, once you've gotten the basic form down. Besides, I think having troll making night would kick ass! :)
Most definitely! I'll bring my stuff the next time I come home. I'm definitely gonna make one with the arms like I was talking about, just make segments with bare wire at the elbows and knees, hips and shoulders to allow for positioning and then dress it...almost did it tonight...decided to finish up a scarf :)
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